Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day of Triumph 2011

Today was the Day of Triumph car show at the Larz Anderson museum.  A group of us met up at the rest stop on 95 north just before the 495 intersection and drove up together.  Paul Rego, who has some of the nicest Triumph sports cars you'll find anywhere, unfortunately over heated just a mile from the museum.  That didn't keep him from winning first place in the TR8 category !

I drove the Wedge up, and landed a first place trophy in the TR7 category =)

Incidentally I've also put the wedge up for sale.  I'm getting close enough on the TR6 that I know when it's done, the TR7 will be neglected in my garage.  I'd rather see it go to a good home than not be driven!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

TR6 restoration progress

So, I've been restoring an old Triumph TR6 sports car in my spare time.  It's been a very time consuming but educational experience.   I'm getting very close to the point where all I will have left is the body work, and then once the body work is done and the body mounted, the electrical and interior.  Here are a few progress pics.

I just got mounted the oil cooler with in-line thermostat, the chassis cross member, replaced all the hardware on the engine with new nuts and bolts, and refurbishing the rear differential.  Tomorrow I should be mounting the differential, and then measuring for a new drive-shaft.

Now, I'll have to take back off the intake manifold to get the body back on, but I wanted to get everything in place so that I can get all the hoses measured and cut to size for coolant, exhaust, fuel, etc.

The rear differential has been freshly painted, and is just waiting for paint to dry before mounting with new bushing.

Friday, July 15, 2011

What happens in Vegas... Ends up on youtube within a week!

So the EQ livequest this year had one part where to get points you had to perform the theme song for EQ with kazoos and singing, loudly and boisterously.   As part of an audition for the Gnomish Tabernacle Choir...   Well... this was too fine an opportunity to pass up for some embarasing videos!  I only got good videos of 4 of the teams, but here they are!

Some teams needed a little more instruction and help than others... not everyone knows the theme song even after 12 years!

This next team is from my play server Luclin, representing the guild Heroes, so I have to give them special crap =)  They tried twice, to get a better performance.

And finally, with some sadness, we discovered that not everyone knows how to play a kazoo... neither person on this team did, one had it backwards and the other was trying to blow it like a whistle

More Fan Faire stuff dug out of my bloggie

I was going through the videos on my bloggie and found a few more things.

First, the EQ Guide program.  These people dont get enough thanks for the hard work they put in running events for players.   Sure you may not have seen or noticed them, but plenty of others do.  Many times we, the players, abuse them (or their NPC avatars) disrupt what they're trying to do, etc.   Well, they're trying to make EQ a unique place still, where something out of the ordinary can happen, and where it's not the same day in and day out.   Give them a break... and give them thanks.   At the FanFaire they also helped run quests, the livequests for all the various games.   They take a portion of their time out of their day and vacation to make YOUR vacation more fun.  So next time you see a guide in game... thank them !

Secondly... I didnt even know this was in any of my vids.  I must have not pressed the stop recording button hard enough, and I caught this audio from when I was up on stage as Linda "Brasse" Carlson was introducing the three of us who were the bloggie contest winners.   So... if you've ever wondered "What's under the kilt?"  Here is my candid answer, recorded live from fan faire...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Elidroth talks about Lyrical Prankster

A bard asked during one of the panels why Lyrical Prankster was changed from dopelganger to fairy.  Elidroth's following explanation was fantastic... and needs to be heard.   Sorry Jyve, we're throwing you under the bus!

New ways to kill halflings!

Using the Sony Bloggie Touch camera that I won, I went and recorded a few of the Everquest Developers and their thoughts and comments on the game. Unfortunately, I had no way while in vegas to get the videos OFF the camera, as I dont own a laptop or tablet. Better late than never, this is news that ANYONE would wait for !

Friday, July 8, 2011

Veil of alaris details

Lore: from another plane of existence where gods gained power through worship and alarans could ascend to godhood

Discord drove the alarans from their plane to norrath during the age of scale. The alaran gods sacrificed themselves to move the alarans to a continent on norrath. Final god sacrificed itself to raise the "veil" around continent. Continent is on the globe in skyfire

Known zones: argath bastion of ildaera
City of bronze
Temple of splendor
Beast domain
More to come

Expansion details: guild halls with trophies and better housing item management
Two different guildhalls
New guild rank system
Resizable hotbars

Email items
12 buttons per hotbar
Ability to link items and clickies directly to hotbar
Including from inside bags!

Customizabe guild ranks

EverQuest expansion: Veil of Alaris

Quick update. More to come later. New eq expansion announced Veil of Alaris

Features to include
New continent with 12+ zones
Find out who orchestrated the demise of cazic Thule and why
New guild halls
Five more levels... Max 95
Hotbar revamp

Eq2 to get mercs and beastlords

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fan Faire : Day -1. Airports

So here I sit at the Providence airport waiting for my flight to Vegas. Last night I attempted to stay up late and to the sleep as late as I could int the morning to try to start adapting to the three hour timeshift ahead of time. Unfortunately it didn't work very well... I stayed up till 3am which is midnight in Vegas and planned on waking up at 10:30 to get to the airport for 11 to leave time to eat before my one o'clock flight. Eight AM rolled arround and my body said "you have to get up now or you'll be late for work"

Well, I hope that I can sleep on the plane. The time change is always the worst part of Fan Faire when it's out west. I'm ready to fall asleep just as everyone else is partying. Then I'm up at rediculous times in the morning like five or six AM.

I have since learned to always take an extra day off at the end of Fan Faire to give time to recover.

Anyways... Las Vegas here I come!