Saturday, August 24, 2013

Guest apperance on DCUO SourceCast

Last night, I was asked by Trexlight, who does a DCUO podcast every week following the DCUO FridayNightLegends live stream, to come and talk about SOE Live and to talk about the Sorcery power set in DCUO.

Check it out here!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Long overdue website backend upgrade!

So, for any of you who swing by here after SOE Live or after smithing events, you may have noticed some changes.   I have completely rewritten the backend for my website.  You will find that all the pages now follow the same format, with browse able thumbnails which open up into a browsing window with forward and back buttons.

Captions for all the photos (if available) will appear below the images in the browsing window.

One thing you will note though is, the pages are generated dynamically, what this means however is that I can not size the center frame properly before hand.   The center pane resizes on its own, but it takes a moment for it to do so, so please be patient and then you can continue browsing at your leisure.   I will be working on speeding up this re-sizing in the future, but for now the way that I am doing it seems to work on every major browser I have tried, so I'm using it for now.

I have also updated the way the menu is created and navigated to make it much easier and faster to add new pages.

I'm still working on the webpage, but I've now converted all the old pages to the new format for the most part, and I think it looks pretty good !

If you come across a browser or app that doesn't like my pages and the way that they are dynamically generated now, please let me know and I can work at fixing it for that particular browser.

Friday, August 16, 2013

I dont post enough! Maybe a blog isnt for me =)

So, I got back from SOE Live 2013 in Las Vegas, it was awesome as usual.

Take that back, it was more than awesome.  This year they revealed for the first time EQ Next, not only that but EQ Next Landmark.  To say that I was impressed is an understatement.  I was totally @%@#% blown away.   It's not one game, but two...and all my minecraft friends are going to blow a gasket.

One of my good friends who wasn't able attend SOE Live sent me this message on my phone after watching the live stream

"If you see him [Dave Georgeson] or anyone involved with EQ Next : Minecraft... I mean Landmark... tell them "You know, I've worked really hard to make a life outside of video games. Now this... Thanks a lot pricks! :p  Gonna be tough to play Wildstar when this comes out.  Multi classing... fu#k yeah.  And landmark... you know how much I play Minecraft.  Get paid to make things, minecraft style with an almost photoshop level graphics editor? lttdxhxotossdjchciroxhofzdjvkjcudkcjxosotqyscoteu...  [Facerolling on keyboard]  This may finally bring me around to a full-time SOE fanboy"

I'm in the process of updating the main website, menus, and all the photo pages.  Check out the FanFaire link for SOE Live 2013 photos !